Grayscale Issue One, April 8th 99 (Online at Dear %N, You are subscribed to Greyscale under the E-Mail %E To subscribe or unsubscribe from this list please go to the URL above, if you cannot do this, contact Greyscale ( and we will tell you what to do. Editorial ********* Welcome to the first ever issue of Grayscale, the Only E-Zine dedicated to Lionhead Studios forthcoming game of god-hood, Black & White. If you wish to make a contribution to this newsletter, which is posted on Grey Areas as well as being sent to, ohhh, tens of people please contact the Editor (That's me, Aquarion) at (... and notice the specially set up address...) This little bit will be my little spotlight each week, what is - after all - what Editorials are all about ;-) Under the misleadingly simplistic heading of News will go all the information on Black & White gleaned from the past period of time - as I write this we are still unsure as to if it will be weekly, biweekly, whenever there's enough news or whatever. News **** Whilst Shov over at LoE decided to panic everyone who didn't notice what date it was on 1st of April, Aquarion at Grey Areas finally finished the article he had been promising since February, The spells submission thing that Shov was running finished and as I type is putting them into HTML so the world can see what was there. Eugenia Loli started her new survey site with an issue that has been plaguing the forum recently: "What other creatures would you like to take critical part on B&W world?" If you haven't already voted do so now at Whilst I can do this sort of thing, One of things I am looking for is someone who can do a weekly(... or whatever it turns out to be...) report on what's happening in the Lionhead forum since I'm not a regular enough visitor to do it. Any volunteers please mail me at Letters ******* dear Grayscale Why is this the only letter in the Letters Section? - Aquarion ( A good Question Grass-hopper, and a good question is half of a right answer. Or something The answer to that particularly good question is that this is the first issue, and we have not yet had any letters in. But if anybody reading this wanted to express there views in front of the hundreds* who will read Grayscale, they could do no worse than mail Grayscale at * possibly Story ***** This has a possiblity of being fun. It's very simple. I will start a story, Everybody then mails me possible continuations on it. I pick the best one and post it, then everybody continues from that story and so on for ever more. So, without further ado, here is the first story. Bob was not known as the village wise man. But neither was he the village idiot, Nevertheless he had a sneaking suspision that somthing was about to happen. He didn't know what exactly, but there was somthing new about the place. To start with he had heard rumours that somebody had built a large house right on the edge of the world. That wasn't all either. Once or twice he had got the feeling he was being watched, That some force was up there watching his every move. Most strange. A couple of years ago a man had come from the other side of the big hill, telling of a supreme being who looked over him and his tribe, This was strange, since he hadn't even been near the spotted mushrooms that some of the younger villagers liked so much. Bob was a woodcutter by trade, He cut down the trees to sell them to old Carpenter, who gave him objects made of wood which he swapped with local farmers for food for him and his family, He was just begining work on an Oak that he thought would feed his family for a week when he saw the stranger, He - or she, it was difficult to tell - was wearing a shapeless Grey robe that hid his or her features, In the figures right hand was a staff only half a foot shorter than the figure. "Would you like some help?" asked the figure If you would like to continue the story, write what you think happens next and e-mail it to! End *** That's all folks! The end of the first issue of Greyscale. If you have any comments, feedback, continuations of the story or articles to submit, e-mail them to "Black & White" and "Lionhead" are (c) Lionhead Studios Ltd 1999 and for ever more, All graphics are and Text in this issue of Greyscale is owned by the originator. If you wish to link to us please contact the editor who will provide a graphic. E&OE all copyrights acknowlaged. Greyscale is currently delivered by e-mail whenever an issue is finished.