Greyscale Issue VI, 20th June 1999 Contents: Editorial ********* Hello again, Welcome to another edition of Greyscale. Firstly, I'm sorry that it has been almost 3 weeks since the last edition, but poor 'ole Aquarion here has just finished all his exams, and so now is re-designing web-sites. The Poll: Thanks to the 20 or so people who contributed to last issues poll, the end result was "Just Black & White and Lionhead news" by a total of one vote. The poll is still up though, and will be until I can think of a better question. The letters section is gone as of this issue. I will re-instate it whenever I get enough letters to warrant it. Greyscale is still looking for a few good men or women to write for us. If you have something you want to say to the inhabitants of the world about Black and White or Lionhead, Write it and post it to me at Finally, Our illustrious Poll-Person, Eugenia, is looking for ideas for the next Black & White poll. Anybody with any ideas could submit them to me at and I will give her a list of your suggestions. News **** This week, Land Of Eden (at moved to a brand new server, after a few false starts, and it's web-master, learner, is going to Lionhead! Lucky him, He lives half-way across the world, and he goes. I live a hours train ride away and cannot. mumblemumblesomepeoplehavealltheluckmumblemumble. Seriously though, I wish him well on his trip BWire ( is sitting pretty in it's new home, and has posted scans of the possible boxes for Black & White, complete with voting booth for which one you like best. The results will be shipped off to LHS, I think, so You could have an influence! Get Visiting, Get Voting! LoE has launched it's Grand Compo to get your face on a Villager in B&W, All done by a Mr Peterto head! Very strange, go have a look. The Nomads of Utopia, who according to a straw poll on Lionhead's official Tribal Gathering Forum are the only Black & White clan, have moved over to what learner might call "The Dark Site", Yup, NoU's new, improved, Never-been-seen-before (tm) web site is at Lastly, and by no means leastly, Sam over at Gamesfeedback ( has got not only an interview with Eric Baily, But also 2 AVI's of Greek villagers! Wow! Go see! Also... Edenan ( reached 10,000 potential Titan meals this week, or Hits to the rest of the world * Big Blue Box ( has re-designed it's web-site. No new info though * New site, B&W Stronghold, at: * Letters ******* Last week: No letters. Not a single one So, my decision is this, Each issue I will sent a topic, and you write in about that topic - as well as suggestions for the next topic - and anything else you want to say about B&W. Lets see if this works. Next Issues Topic Is: What do you think Reviewers will attack in Black & White's Reviews? So get writing folks! Guess how many letters I got. Still none. So as of this week, baring a rush of letters, The Letters section is no more. It will be replaced by a Clan Report just as soon as we get more than one clan(!) Story ***** The Story So Far:Bob, a humble wood-cutter, has had his pet Bobo stolen by a Black Sorcerer. A local Wise Man has found some information that might help in a book called "Titanic Tales", and started a tale of a man who came to the village many years ago, Larmonn the mad... Wilbur took a long look at the pages of the old book, his face grimacing as if he tried to remember. "Good old Larmonn, he was the laughing-stock of the village. Nobody really understood him, you know. He was always busy doing his bizar experiments and he wrote down his findings in a book, the one you are holding in your hands. Strangely, he wrote everything down in the form of tales." Wilbur said. "How did you get it?" Bob wondered. "Well, one day he was gone. It was only days later that they found his body, crushed under a tree after a stormy night. The book was still in his hand, like he had been writing in it ..." His face suddenly turned pale. "Oh no, Bob, let me see that!" Wilbur grabs the book and starts to turn over the blanc pages, until he reached the last page... "My God, here is written something." TONIGHT I FOUND PROOF OF MY SUSPICIONS, BUT I WON'T LIVE TO TELL. THAT'S WHY I'M WRITING THIS MESSAGE. I WANT TO WARN YOUR PEOPLE. ONE DAY PEOPLE FROM MY REALM WILL ENTER YOUR WORLD. BE PREPAR... "This means he was right, wasn't he? Say, Wilbur, did Larmonn used to wear a grey robe?". Wilbur startles, "The stranger in the forest was wearing the same, wasn't he?"... Bob nodded. "They've already entered this world", he said with a harsh tone... THE END... So Far... What happens next? Answers on a postcard please... Well done to Jelle Spruyt for that entry. For those of you curious to see the other entries (there weren't any) , or anybody who wants to read the previous stories Go to Http:// If you are reading this there, Click on the Storytime link on the left. If you would like to continue the story, write what you think happens next and e-mail it to! The End ******* That's all folks! The end of the another issue of Greyscale. If you have any comments, feedback, continuations of the story or articles to submit, e-mail them to The next exciting edition of Greyscale will hit the net on... 17/06/99, But don't count on it. "Black & White" and "Lionhead" are © Lionhead Studios Ltd 1999 and for ever more, All graphics are and HTML in this issue of Greyscale is owned by the originator. If you wish to link to us please contact the editor who will provide a graphic. E&OE all copyrights acknowlaged.