Yahoo! UI Library > autocomplete > DataSource.js (source view)
* The DataSource classes manages sending a request and returning response from a live
* database. Supported data include local JavaScript arrays and objects and databases
* accessible via XHR connections. Supported response formats include JavaScript arrays,
* JSON, XML, and flat-file textual data.
* @class DataSource
* @constructor
YAHOO.widget.DataSource = function() {
/* abstract class */
// Public constants
* Error message for null data responses.
* @property ERROR_DATANULL
* @type String
* @static
* @final
YAHOO.widget.DataSource.ERROR_DATANULL = "Response data was null";
* Error message for data responses with parsing errors.
* @type String
* @static
* @final
YAHOO.widget.DataSource.ERROR_DATAPARSE = "Response data could not be parsed";
// Public member variables
* Max size of the local cache. Set to 0 to turn off caching. Caching is
* useful to reduce the number of server connections. Recommended only for data
* sources that return comprehensive results for queries or when stale data is
* not an issue.
* @property maxCacheEntries
* @type Number
* @default 15
YAHOO.widget.DataSource.prototype.maxCacheEntries = 15;
* Use this to equate cache matching with the type of matching done by your live
* data source. If caching is on and queryMatchContains is true, the cache
* returns results that "contain" the query string. By default,
* queryMatchContains is set to false, meaning the cache only returns results
* that "start with" the query string.
* @property queryMatchContains
* @type Boolean
* @default false
YAHOO.widget.DataSource.prototype.queryMatchContains = false;
* Enables query subset matching. If caching is on and queryMatchSubset is
* true, substrings of queries will return matching cached results. For
* instance, if the first query is for "abc" susequent queries that start with
* "abc", like "abcd", will be queried against the cache, and not the live data
* source. Recommended only for DataSources that return comprehensive results
* for queries with very few characters.
* @property queryMatchSubset
* @type Boolean
* @default false
YAHOO.widget.DataSource.prototype.queryMatchSubset = false;
* Enables query case-sensitivity matching. If caching is on and
* queryMatchCase is true, queries will only return results for case-sensitive
* matches.
* @property queryMatchCase
* @type Boolean
* @default false
YAHOO.widget.DataSource.prototype.queryMatchCase = false;
// Public methods
* Public accessor to the unique name of the DataSource instance.
* @method toString
* @return {String} Unique name of the DataSource instance
YAHOO.widget.DataSource.prototype.toString = function() {
return "DataSource " + this._sName;
* Retrieves query results, first checking the local cache, then making the
* query request to the live data source as defined by the function doQuery.
* @method getResults
* @param oCallbackFn {HTMLFunction} Callback function defined by oParent object to which to return results.
* @param sQuery {String} Query string.
* @param oParent {Object} The object instance that has requested data.
YAHOO.widget.DataSource.prototype.getResults = function(oCallbackFn, sQuery, oParent) {
// First look in cache
var aResults = this._doQueryCache(oCallbackFn,sQuery,oParent);
// Not in cache, so get results from server
if(aResults.length === 0) {, oParent, sQuery);
this.doQuery(oCallbackFn, sQuery, oParent);
* Abstract method implemented by subclasses to make a query to the live data
* source. Must call the callback function with the response returned from the
* query. Populates cache (if enabled).
* @method doQuery
* @param oCallbackFn {HTMLFunction} Callback function implemented by oParent to which to return results.
* @param sQuery {String} Query string.
* @param oParent {Object} The object instance that has requested data.
YAHOO.widget.DataSource.prototype.doQuery = function(oCallbackFn, sQuery, oParent) {
/* override this */
* Flushes cache.
* @method flushCache
YAHOO.widget.DataSource.prototype.flushCache = function() {
if(this._aCache) {
this._aCache = [];
if(this._aCacheHelper) {
this._aCacheHelper = [];
// Public events
* Fired when a query is made to the live data source.
* @event queryEvent
* @param oSelf {Object} The DataSource instance.
* @param oParent {Object} The requesting object.
* @param sQuery {String} The query string.
YAHOO.widget.DataSource.prototype.queryEvent = null;
* Fired when a query is made to the local cache.
* @event cacheQueryEvent
* @param oSelf {Object} The DataSource instance.
* @param oParent {Object} The requesting object.
* @param sQuery {String} The query string.
YAHOO.widget.DataSource.prototype.cacheQueryEvent = null;
* Fired when data is retrieved from the live data source.
* @event getResultsEvent
* @param oSelf {Object} The DataSource instance.
* @param oParent {Object} The requesting object.
* @param sQuery {String} The query string.
* @param aResults {Object[]} Array of result objects.
YAHOO.widget.DataSource.prototype.getResultsEvent = null;
* Fired when data is retrieved from the local cache.
* @event getCachedResultsEvent
* @param oSelf {Object} The DataSource instance.
* @param oParent {Object} The requesting object.
* @param sQuery {String} The query string.
* @param aResults {Object[]} Array of result objects.
YAHOO.widget.DataSource.prototype.getCachedResultsEvent = null;
* Fired when an error is encountered with the live data source.
* @event dataErrorEvent
* @param oSelf {Object} The DataSource instance.
* @param oParent {Object} The requesting object.
* @param sQuery {String} The query string.
* @param sMsg {String} Error message string
YAHOO.widget.DataSource.prototype.dataErrorEvent = null;
* Fired when the local cache is flushed.
* @event cacheFlushEvent
* @param oSelf {Object} The DataSource instance
YAHOO.widget.DataSource.prototype.cacheFlushEvent = null;
// Private member variables
* Internal class variable to index multiple DataSource instances.
* @property _nIndex
* @type Number
* @private
* @static
YAHOO.widget.DataSource._nIndex = 0;
* Name of DataSource instance.
* @property _sName
* @type String
* @private
YAHOO.widget.DataSource.prototype._sName = null;
* Local cache of data result objects indexed chronologically.
* @property _aCache
* @type Object[]
* @private
YAHOO.widget.DataSource.prototype._aCache = null;
// Private methods
* Initializes DataSource instance.
* @method _init
* @private
YAHOO.widget.DataSource.prototype._init = function() {
// Validate and initialize public configs
var maxCacheEntries = this.maxCacheEntries;
if(isNaN(maxCacheEntries) || (maxCacheEntries < 0)) {
maxCacheEntries = 0;
// Initialize local cache
if(maxCacheEntries > 0 && !this._aCache) {
this._aCache = [];
this._sName = "instance" + YAHOO.widget.DataSource._nIndex;
this.queryEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("query", this);
this.cacheQueryEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("cacheQuery", this);
this.getResultsEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("getResults", this);
this.getCachedResultsEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("getCachedResults", this);
this.dataErrorEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("dataError", this);
this.cacheFlushEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("cacheFlush", this);
* Adds a result object to the local cache, evicting the oldest element if the
* cache is full. Newer items will have higher indexes, the oldest item will have
* index of 0.
* @method _addCacheElem
* @param oResult {Object} Data result object, including array of results.
* @private
YAHOO.widget.DataSource.prototype._addCacheElem = function(oResult) {
var aCache = this._aCache;
// Don't add if anything important is missing.
if(!aCache || !oResult || !oResult.query || !oResult.results) {
// If the cache is full, make room by removing from index=0
if(aCache.length >= this.maxCacheEntries) {
// Add to cache, at the end of the array
* Queries the local cache for results. If query has been cached, the callback
* function is called with the results, and the cached is refreshed so that it
* is now the newest element.
* @method _doQueryCache
* @param oCallbackFn {HTMLFunction} Callback function defined by oParent object to which to return results.
* @param sQuery {String} Query string.
* @param oParent {Object} The object instance that has requested data.
* @return aResults {Object[]} Array of results from local cache if found, otherwise null.
* @private
YAHOO.widget.DataSource.prototype._doQueryCache = function(oCallbackFn, sQuery, oParent) {
var aResults = [];
var bMatchFound = false;
var aCache = this._aCache;
var nCacheLength = (aCache) ? aCache.length : 0;
var bMatchContains = this.queryMatchContains;
// If cache is enabled...
if((this.maxCacheEntries > 0) && aCache && (nCacheLength > 0)) {, oParent, sQuery);
// If case is unimportant, normalize query now instead of in loops
if(!this.queryMatchCase) {
var sOrigQuery = sQuery;
sQuery = sQuery.toLowerCase();
// Loop through each cached element's query property...
for(var i = nCacheLength-1; i >= 0; i--) {
var resultObj = aCache[i];
var aAllResultItems = resultObj.results;
// If case is unimportant, normalize match key for comparison
var matchKey = (!this.queryMatchCase) ?
// If a cached match key exactly matches the query...
if(matchKey == sQuery) {
// Stash all result objects into aResult[] and stop looping through the cache.
bMatchFound = true;
aResults = aAllResultItems;
// The matching cache element was not the most recent,
// so now we need to refresh the cache.
if(i != nCacheLength-1) {
// Remove element from its original location
// Add element as newest
// Else if this query is not an exact match and subset matching is enabled...
else if(this.queryMatchSubset) {
// Loop through substrings of each cached element's query property...
for(var j = sQuery.length-1; j >= 0 ; j--) {
var subQuery = sQuery.substr(0,j);
// If a substring of a cached sQuery exactly matches the query...
if(matchKey == subQuery) {
bMatchFound = true;
// Go through each cached result object to match against the query...
for(var k = aAllResultItems.length-1; k >= 0; k--) {
var aRecord = aAllResultItems[k];
var sKeyIndex = (this.queryMatchCase) ?
// A STARTSWITH match is when the query is found at the beginning of the key string...
if((!bMatchContains && (sKeyIndex === 0)) ||
// A CONTAINS match is when the query is found anywhere within the key string...
(bMatchContains && (sKeyIndex > -1))) {
// Stash a match into aResults[].
// Add the subset match result set object as the newest element to cache,
// and stop looping through the cache.
resultObj = {};
resultObj.query = sQuery;
resultObj.results = aResults;
if(bMatchFound) {
// If there was a match, send along the results.
if(bMatchFound) {, oParent, sOrigQuery, aResults);
oCallbackFn(sOrigQuery, aResults, oParent);
return aResults;
* Implementation of YAHOO.widget.DataSource using XML HTTP requests that return
* query results.
* @class DS_XHR
* @extends YAHOO.widget.DataSource
* @requires connection
* @constructor
* @param sScriptURI {String} Absolute or relative URI to script that returns query
* results as JSON, XML, or delimited flat-file data.
* @param aSchema {String[]} Data schema definition of results.
* @param oConfigs {Object} (optional) Object literal of config params.
YAHOO.widget.DS_XHR = function(sScriptURI, aSchema, oConfigs) {
// Set any config params passed in to override defaults
if(typeof oConfigs == "object") {
for(var sConfig in oConfigs) {
this[sConfig] = oConfigs[sConfig];
// Initialization sequence
if(!aSchema || (aSchema.constructor != Array)) {
YAHOO.log("Could not instantiate XHR DataSource due to invalid arguments", "error", this.toString());
else {
this.schema = aSchema;
this.scriptURI = sScriptURI;
YAHOO.log("XHR DataSource initialized","info",this.toString());
YAHOO.widget.DS_XHR.prototype = new YAHOO.widget.DataSource();
// Public constants
* JSON data type.
* @property TYPE_JSON
* @type Number
* @static
* @final
* XML data type.
* @property TYPE_XML
* @type Number
* @static
* @final
* Flat-file data type.
* @property TYPE_FLAT
* @type Number
* @static
* @final
* Error message for XHR failure.
* @property ERROR_DATAXHR
* @type String
* @static
* @final
YAHOO.widget.DS_XHR.ERROR_DATAXHR = "XHR response failed";
// Public member variables
* Alias to YUI Connection Manager. Allows implementers to specify their own
* subclasses of the YUI Connection Manager utility.
* @property connMgr
* @type Object
* @default YAHOO.util.Connect
YAHOO.widget.DS_XHR.prototype.connMgr = YAHOO.util.Connect;
* Number of milliseconds the XHR connection will wait for a server response. A
* a value of zero indicates the XHR connection will wait forever. Any value
* greater than zero will use the Connection utility's Auto-Abort feature.
* @property connTimeout
* @type Number
* @default 0
YAHOO.widget.DS_XHR.prototype.connTimeout = 0;
* Absolute or relative URI to script that returns query results. For instance,
* queries will be sent to <scriptURI>?<scriptQueryParam>=userinput
* @property scriptURI
* @type String
YAHOO.widget.DS_XHR.prototype.scriptURI = null;
* Query string parameter name sent to scriptURI. For instance, queries will be
* sent to <scriptURI>?<scriptQueryParam>=userinput
* @property scriptQueryParam
* @type String
* @default "query"
YAHOO.widget.DS_XHR.prototype.scriptQueryParam = "query";
* String of key/value pairs to append to requests made to scriptURI. Define
* this string when you want to send additional query parameters to your script.
* When defined, queries will be sent to
* <scriptURI>?<scriptQueryParam>=userinput&<scriptQueryAppend>
* @property scriptQueryAppend
* @type String
* @default ""
YAHOO.widget.DS_XHR.prototype.scriptQueryAppend = "";
* XHR response data type. Other types that may be defined are YAHOO.widget.DS_XHR.TYPE_XML
* and YAHOO.widget.DS_XHR.TYPE_FLAT.
* @property responseType
* @type String
* @default YAHOO.widget.DS_XHR.TYPE_JSON
YAHOO.widget.DS_XHR.prototype.responseType = YAHOO.widget.DS_XHR.TYPE_JSON;
* String after which to strip results. If the results from the XHR are sent
* back as HTML, the gzip HTML comment appears at the end of the data and should
* be ignored.
* @property responseStripAfter
* @type String
* @default "\n<!-"
YAHOO.widget.DS_XHR.prototype.responseStripAfter = "\n<!-";
// Public methods
* Queries the live data source defined by scriptURI for results. Results are
* passed back to a callback function.
* @method doQuery
* @param oCallbackFn {HTMLFunction} Callback function defined by oParent object to which to return results.
* @param sQuery {String} Query string.
* @param oParent {Object} The object instance that has requested data.
YAHOO.widget.DS_XHR.prototype.doQuery = function(oCallbackFn, sQuery, oParent) {
var isXML = (this.responseType == YAHOO.widget.DS_XHR.TYPE_XML);
var sUri = this.scriptURI+"?"+this.scriptQueryParam+"="+sQuery;
if(this.scriptQueryAppend.length > 0) {
sUri += "&" + this.scriptQueryAppend;
YAHOO.log("DataSource is querying URL " + sUri, "info", this.toString());
var oResponse = null;
var oSelf = this;
* Sets up ajax request callback
* @param {object} oReq HTTPXMLRequest object
* @private
var responseSuccess = function(oResp) {
// Response ID does not match last made request ID.
if(!oSelf._oConn || (oResp.tId != oSelf._oConn.tId)) {, oParent, sQuery, YAHOO.widget.DataSource.ERROR_DATANULL);
YAHOO.log(YAHOO.widget.DataSource.ERROR_DATANULL, "error", this.toString());
for(var foo in oResp) {
YAHOO.log(foo + ": "+oResp[foo],'warn');
YAHOO.log('responseXML.xml: '+oResp.responseXML.xml,'warn');*/
if(!isXML) {
oResp = oResp.responseText;
else {
oResp = oResp.responseXML;
if(oResp === null) {, oParent, sQuery, YAHOO.widget.DataSource.ERROR_DATANULL);
YAHOO.log(YAHOO.widget.DataSource.ERROR_DATANULL, "error", oSelf.toString());
var aResults = oSelf.parseResponse(sQuery, oResp, oParent);
var resultObj = {};
resultObj.query = decodeURIComponent(sQuery);
resultObj.results = aResults;
if(aResults === null) {, oParent, sQuery, YAHOO.widget.DataSource.ERROR_DATAPARSE);
YAHOO.log(YAHOO.widget.DataSource.ERROR_DATAPARSE, "error", oSelf.toString());
aResults = [];
else {, oParent, sQuery, aResults);
oCallbackFn(sQuery, aResults, oParent);
var responseFailure = function(oResp) {, oParent, sQuery, YAHOO.widget.DS_XHR.ERROR_DATAXHR);
YAHOO.log(YAHOO.widget.DS_XHR.ERROR_DATAXHR + ": " + oResp.statusText, "error", oSelf.toString());
var oCallback = {
if(!isNaN(this.connTimeout) && this.connTimeout > 0) {
oCallback.timeout = this.connTimeout;
if(this._oConn) {
oSelf._oConn = this.connMgr.asyncRequest("GET", sUri, oCallback, null);
* Parses raw response data into an array of result objects. The result data key
* is always stashed in the [0] element of each result object.
* @method parseResponse
* @param sQuery {String} Query string.
* @param oResponse {Object} The raw response data to parse.
* @param oParent {Object} The object instance that has requested data.
* @returns {Object[]} Array of result objects.
YAHOO.widget.DS_XHR.prototype.parseResponse = function(sQuery, oResponse, oParent) {
var aSchema = this.schema;
var aResults = [];
var bError = false;
// Strip out comment at the end of results
var nEnd = ((this.responseStripAfter !== "") && (oResponse.indexOf)) ?
oResponse.indexOf(this.responseStripAfter) : -1;
if(nEnd != -1) {
oResponse = oResponse.substring(0,nEnd);
switch (this.responseType) {
var jsonList;
// Divert KHTML clients from JSON lib
if(window.JSON && (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('khtml')== -1)) {
// Use the JSON utility if available
var jsonObjParsed = JSON.parse(oResponse);
if(!jsonObjParsed) {
bError = true;
else {
try {
// eval is necessary here since aSchema[0] is of unknown depth
jsonList = eval("jsonObjParsed." + aSchema[0]);
catch(e) {
bError = true;
else {
// Parse the JSON response as a string
try {
// Trim leading spaces
while (oResponse.substring(0,1) == " ") {
oResponse = oResponse.substring(1, oResponse.length);
// Invalid JSON response
if(oResponse.indexOf("{") < 0) {
bError = true;
// Empty (but not invalid) JSON response
if(oResponse.indexOf("{}") === 0) {
// Turn the string into an object literal...
// ...eval is necessary here
var jsonObjRaw = eval("(" + oResponse + ")");
if(!jsonObjRaw) {
bError = true;
// Grab the object member that contains an array of all reponses...
// ...eval is necessary here since aSchema[0] is of unknown depth
jsonList = eval("(jsonObjRaw." + aSchema[0]+")");
catch(e) {
bError = true;
if(!jsonList) {
bError = true;
if(jsonList.constructor != Array) {
jsonList = [jsonList];
// Loop through the array of all responses...
for(var i = jsonList.length-1; i >= 0 ; i--) {
var aResultItem = [];
var jsonResult = jsonList[i];
// ...and loop through each data field value of each response
for(var j = aSchema.length-1; j >= 1 ; j--) {
// ...and capture data into an array mapped according to the schema...
var dataFieldValue = jsonResult[aSchema[j]];
if(!dataFieldValue) {
dataFieldValue = "";
//YAHOO.log("data: " + i + " value:" +j+" = "+dataFieldValue,"debug",this.toString());
// If schema isn't well defined, pass along the entire result object
if(aResultItem.length == 1) {
// Capture the array of data field values in an array of results
case YAHOO.widget.DS_XHR.TYPE_XML:
// Get the collection of results
var xmlList = oResponse.getElementsByTagName(aSchema[0]);
if(!xmlList) {
bError = true;
// Loop through each result
for(var k = xmlList.length-1; k >= 0 ; k--) {
var result = xmlList.item(k);
//YAHOO.log("Result"+k+" is "+result.attributes.item(0).firstChild.nodeValue,"debug",this.toString());
var aFieldSet = [];
// Loop through each data field in each result using the schema
for(var m = aSchema.length-1; m >= 1 ; m--) {
//YAHOO.log(aSchema[m]+" is "+result.attributes.getNamedItem(aSchema[m]).firstChild.nodeValue);
var sValue = null;
// Values may be held in an attribute...
var xmlAttr = result.attributes.getNamedItem(aSchema[m]);
if(xmlAttr) {
sValue = xmlAttr.value;
//YAHOO.log("Attr value is "+sValue,"debug",this.toString());
// ...or in a node
var xmlNode = result.getElementsByTagName(aSchema[m]);
if(xmlNode && xmlNode.item(0) && xmlNode.item(0).firstChild) {
sValue = xmlNode.item(0).firstChild.nodeValue;
//YAHOO.log("Node value is "+sValue,"debug",this.toString());
else {
sValue = "";
//YAHOO.log("Value not found","debug",this.toString());
// Capture the schema-mapped data field values into an array
// Capture each array of values into an array of results
if(oResponse.length > 0) {
// Delete the last line delimiter at the end of the data if it exists
var newLength = oResponse.length-aSchema[0].length;
if(oResponse.substr(newLength) == aSchema[0]) {
oResponse = oResponse.substr(0, newLength);
var aRecords = oResponse.split(aSchema[0]);
for(var n = aRecords.length-1; n >= 0; n--) {
aResults[n] = aRecords[n].split(aSchema[1]);
sQuery = null;
oResponse = null;
oParent = null;
if(bError) {
return null;
else {
return aResults;
// Private member variables
* XHR connection object.
* @property _oConn
* @type Object
* @private
YAHOO.widget.DS_XHR.prototype._oConn = null;
* Implementation of YAHOO.widget.DataSource using a native Javascript function as
* its live data source.
* @class DS_JSFunction
* @constructor
* @extends YAHOO.widget.DataSource
* @param oFunction {HTMLFunction} In-memory Javascript function that returns query results as an array of objects.
* @param oConfigs {Object} (optional) Object literal of config params.
YAHOO.widget.DS_JSFunction = function(oFunction, oConfigs) {
// Set any config params passed in to override defaults
if(typeof oConfigs == "object") {
for(var sConfig in oConfigs) {
this[sConfig] = oConfigs[sConfig];
// Initialization sequence
if(!oFunction || (oFunction.constructor != Function)) {
YAHOO.log("Could not instantiate JSFunction DataSource due to invalid arguments", "error", this.toString());
else {
this.dataFunction = oFunction;
YAHOO.log("JS Function DataSource initialized","info",this.toString());
YAHOO.widget.DS_JSFunction.prototype = new YAHOO.widget.DataSource();
// Public member variables
* In-memory Javascript function that returns query results.
* @property dataFunction
* @type HTMLFunction
YAHOO.widget.DS_JSFunction.prototype.dataFunction = null;
// Public methods
* Queries the live data source defined by function for results. Results are
* passed back to a callback function.
* @method doQuery
* @param oCallbackFn {HTMLFunction} Callback function defined by oParent object to which to return results.
* @param sQuery {String} Query string.
* @param oParent {Object} The object instance that has requested data.
YAHOO.widget.DS_JSFunction.prototype.doQuery = function(oCallbackFn, sQuery, oParent) {
var oFunction = this.dataFunction;
var aResults = [];
aResults = oFunction(sQuery);
if(aResults === null) {, oParent, sQuery, YAHOO.widget.DataSource.ERROR_DATANULL);
YAHOO.log(YAHOO.widget.DataSource.ERROR_DATANULL, "error", this.toString());
var resultObj = {};
resultObj.query = decodeURIComponent(sQuery);
resultObj.results = aResults;
this._addCacheElem(resultObj);, oParent, sQuery, aResults);
oCallbackFn(sQuery, aResults, oParent);
* Implementation of YAHOO.widget.DataSource using a native Javascript array as
* its live data source.
* @class DS_JSArray
* @constructor
* @extends YAHOO.widget.DataSource
* @param aData {String[]} In-memory Javascript array of simple string data.
* @param oConfigs {Object} (optional) Object literal of config params.
YAHOO.widget.DS_JSArray = function(aData, oConfigs) {
// Set any config params passed in to override defaults
if(typeof oConfigs == "object") {
for(var sConfig in oConfigs) {
this[sConfig] = oConfigs[sConfig];
// Initialization sequence
if(!aData || (aData.constructor != Array)) {
YAHOO.log("Could not instantiate JSArray DataSource due to invalid arguments", "error", this.toString());
else { = aData;
YAHOO.log("JS Array DataSource initialized","info",this.toString());
YAHOO.widget.DS_JSArray.prototype = new YAHOO.widget.DataSource();
// Public member variables
* In-memory Javascript array of strings.
* @property data
* @type Array
*/ = null;
// Public methods
* Queries the live data source defined by data for results. Results are passed
* back to a callback function.
* @method doQuery
* @param oCallbackFn {HTMLFunction} Callback function defined by oParent object to which to return results.
* @param sQuery {String} Query string.
* @param oParent {Object} The object instance that has requested data.
YAHOO.widget.DS_JSArray.prototype.doQuery = function(oCallbackFn, sQuery, oParent) {
var aData =; // the array
var aResults = []; // container for results
var bMatchFound = false;
var bMatchContains = this.queryMatchContains;
if(sQuery) {
if(!this.queryMatchCase) {
sQuery = sQuery.toLowerCase();
// Loop through each element of the array...
// which can be a string or an array of strings
for(var i = aData.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
var aDataset = [];
if(aData[i]) {
if(aData[i].constructor == String) {
aDataset[0] = aData[i];
else if(aData[i].constructor == Array) {
aDataset = aData[i];
if(aDataset[0] && (aDataset[0].constructor == String)) {
var sKeyIndex = (this.queryMatchCase) ?
// A STARTSWITH match is when the query is found at the beginning of the key string...
if((!bMatchContains && (sKeyIndex === 0)) ||
// A CONTAINS match is when the query is found anywhere within the key string...
(bMatchContains && (sKeyIndex > -1))) {
// Stash a match into aResults[].
}, oParent, sQuery, aResults);
oCallbackFn(sQuery, aResults, oParent);