(function() {
// internal shorthand
var Dom = YAHOO.util.Dom,
Lang = YAHOO.util.Lang,
EventPublisher = YAHOO.util.EventPublisher,
AttributeProvider = YAHOO.util.AttributeProvider;
* Element provides an interface to an HTMLElement's attributes and common
* methods. Other commonly used attributes are added as well.
* @namespace YAHOO.util
* @class Element
* @uses YAHOO.util.AttributeProvider
* @constructor
* @param el {HTMLElement | String} The html element that
* represents the Element.
* @param {Object} map A key-value map of initial config names and values
YAHOO.util.Element = function(el, map) {
if (arguments.length) {
this.init(el, map);
YAHOO.util.Element.prototype = {
* Dom events supported by the Element instance.
* @property DOM_EVENTS
* @type Object
* Wrapper for HTMLElement method.
* @method appendChild
* @param {Boolean} deep Whether or not to do a deep clone
appendChild: function(child) {
child = child.get ? child.get('element') : child;
* Wrapper for HTMLElement method.
* @method getElementsByTagName
* @param {String} tag The tagName to collect
getElementsByTagName: function(tag) {
return this.get('element').getElementsByTagName(tag);
* Wrapper for HTMLElement method.
* @method hasChildNodes
* @return {Boolean} Whether or not the element has childNodes
hasChildNodes: function() {
return this.get('element').hasChildNodes();
* Wrapper for HTMLElement method.
* @method insertBefore
* @param {HTMLElement} element The HTMLElement to insert
* @param {HTMLElement} before The HTMLElement to insert
* the element before.
insertBefore: function(element, before) {
element = element.get ? element.get('element') : element;
before = (before && before.get) ? before.get('element') : before;
this.get('element').insertBefore(element, before);
* Wrapper for HTMLElement method.
* @method removeChild
* @param {HTMLElement} child The HTMLElement to remove
removeChild: function(child) {
child = child.get ? child.get('element') : child;
return true;
* Wrapper for HTMLElement method.
* @method replaceChild
* @param {HTMLElement} newNode The HTMLElement to insert
* @param {HTMLElement} oldNode The HTMLElement to replace
replaceChild: function(newNode, oldNode) {
newNode = newNode.get ? newNode.get('element') : newNode;
oldNode = oldNode.get ? oldNode.get('element') : oldNode;
return this.get('element').replaceChild(newNode, oldNode);
* Registers Element specific attributes.
* @method initAttributes
* @param {Object} map A key-value map of initial attribute configs
initAttributes: function(map) {
map = map || {};
var element = Dom.get(map.element) || null;
* The HTMLElement the Element instance refers to.
* @config element
* @type HTMLElement
this.register('element', {
value: element,
readOnly: true
* Adds a listener for the given event. These may be DOM or
* customEvent listeners. Any event that is fired via fireEvent
* can be listened for. All handlers receive an event object.
* @method addListener
* @param {String} type The name of the event to listen for
* @param {Function} fn The handler to call when the event fires
* @param {Any} obj A variable to pass to the handler
* @param {Object} scope The object to use for the scope of the handler
addListener: function(type, fn, obj, scope) {
var el = this.get('element');
var scope = scope || this;
el = this.get('id') || el;
if (!this._events[type]) { // create on the fly
if ( this.DOM_EVENTS[type] ) {
YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(el, type, function(e) {
if (e.srcElement && !e.target) { // supplement IE with target
e.target = e.srcElement;
this.fireEvent(type, e);
}, obj, scope);
this.createEvent(type, this);
this._events[type] = true;
this.subscribe.apply(this, arguments); // notify via customEvent
* Alias for addListener
* @method on
* @param {String} type The name of the event to listen for
* @param {Function} fn The function call when the event fires
* @param {Any} obj A variable to pass to the handler
* @param {Object} scope The object to use for the scope of the handler
on: function() { this.addListener.apply(this, arguments); },
* Remove an event listener
* @method removeListener
* @param {String} type The name of the event to listen for
* @param {Function} fn The function call when the event fires
removeListener: function(type, fn) {
this.unsubscribe.apply(this, arguments);
* Wrapper for Dom method.
* @method addClass
* @param {String} className The className to add
addClass: function(className) {
Dom.addClass(this.get('element'), className);
* Wrapper for Dom method.
* @method getElementsByClassName
* @param {String} className The className to collect
* @param {String} tag (optional) The tag to use in
* conjunction with class name
* @return {Array} Array of HTMLElements
getElementsByClassName: function(className, tag) {
return Dom.getElementsByClassName(className, tag,
this.get('element') );
* Wrapper for Dom method.
* @method hasClass
* @param {String} className The className to add
* @return {Boolean} Whether or not the element has the class name
hasClass: function(className) {
return Dom.hasClass(this.get('element'), className);
* Wrapper for Dom method.
* @method removeClass
* @param {String} className The className to remove
removeClass: function(className) {
return Dom.removeClass(this.get('element'), className);
* Wrapper for Dom method.
* @method replaceClass
* @param {String} oldClassName The className to replace
* @param {String} newClassName The className to add
replaceClass: function(oldClassName, newClassName) {
return Dom.replaceClass(this.get('element'),
oldClassName, newClassName);
* Wrapper for Dom method.
* @method setStyle
* @param {String} property The style property to set
* @param {String} value The value to apply to the style property
setStyle: function(property, value) {
return Dom.setStyle(this.get('element'), property, value);
* Wrapper for Dom method.
* @method getStyle
* @param {String} property The style property to retrieve
* @return {String} The current value of the property
getStyle: function(property) {
return Dom.getStyle(this.get('element'), property);
* Apply any queued set calls.
* @method fireQueue
fireQueue: function() {
var queue = this._queue;
for (var i = 0, len = queue.length; i < len; ++i) {
this[queue[i][0]].apply(this, queue[i][1]);
* Appends the HTMLElement into either the supplied parentNode.
* @method appendTo
* @param {HTMLElement | Element} parentNode The node to append to
* @param {HTMLElement | Element} before An optional node to insert before
appendTo: function(parent, before) {
parent = (parent.get) ? parent.get('element') : Dom.get(parent);
before = (before && before.get) ?
before.get('element') : Dom.get(before);
var element = this.get('element');
var newAddition = !Dom.inDocument(element);
if (!element) {
YAHOO.log('appendTo failed: element not available',
'error', 'Element');
return false;
if (!parent) {
YAHOO.log('appendTo failed: parent not available',
'error', 'Element');
return false;
if (element.parent != parent) {
if (before) {
parent.insertBefore(element, before);
} else {
YAHOO.log(element + 'appended to ' + parent);
if (!newAddition) {
return false; // note return; no refresh if in document
// if a new addition, refresh HTMLElement any applied attributes
var keys = this.getAttributeKeys();
for (var key in keys) { // only refresh HTMLElement attributes
if ( !Lang.isUndefined(element[key]) ) {
get: function(key) {
var configs = this._configs || {};
var el = configs.element; // avoid loop due to 'element'
if (el && !configs[key] && !Lang.isUndefined(el.value[key]) ) {
return el.value[key];
return AttributeProvider.prototype.get.call(this, key);
set: function(key, value, silent) {
var el = this.get('element');
if (!el) {
this._queue[key] = ['set', arguments];
return false;
// set it on the element if not a property
if ( !this._configs[key] && !Lang.isUndefined(el[key]) ) {
_registerHTMLAttr(this, key);
return AttributeProvider.prototype.set.apply(this, arguments);
register: function(key) { // protect html attributes
var configs = this._configs || {};
var element = this.get('element') || null;
if ( element && !Lang.isUndefined(element[key]) ) {
YAHOO.log(key + ' is reserved for ' + element,
'error', 'Element');
return false;
return AttributeProvider.prototype.register.apply(this, arguments);
configureAttribute: function(property, map, init) { // protect html attributes
if (!this._configs[property] && this._configs.element &&
!Lang.isUndefined(this._configs.element[property]) ) {
_registerHTMLAttr(this, property, map);
return false;
return AttributeProvider.prototype.configure.apply(this, arguments);
getAttributeKeys: function() {
var el = this.get('element');
var keys = AttributeProvider.prototype.getAttributeKeys.call(this);
//add any unconfigured element keys
for (var key in el) {
if (!this._configs[key]) {
keys[key] = keys[key] || el[key];
return keys;
init: function(el, attr) {
this._queue = this._queue || [];
this._events = this._events || {};
this._configs = this._configs || {};
attr = attr || {};
attr.element = attr.element || el || null;
this.DOM_EVENTS = {
'click': true,
'keydown': true,
'keypress': true,
'keyup': true,
'mousedown': true,
'mousemove': true,
'mouseout': true,
'mouseover': true,
'mouseup': true
var readyHandler = function() {
this.setAttributes(attr, true);
this.fireEvent('contentReady', {
type: 'contentReady',
target: attr.element
if ( Lang.isString(el) ) {
_registerHTMLAttr(this, 'id', { value: el });
YAHOO.util.Event.onAvailable(el, function() {
attr.element = Dom.get(el);
this.fireEvent('available', {
type: 'available',
target: attr.element
}, this, true);
YAHOO.util.Event.onContentReady(el, function() {
}, this, true);
} else {
* Sets the value of the property and fires beforeChange and change events.
* @private
* @method _registerHTMLAttr
* @param {YAHOO.util.Element} element The Element instance to
* register the config to.
* @param {String} key The name of the config to register
* @param {Object} map A key-value map of the config's params
var _registerHTMLAttr = function(self, key, map) {
var el = self.get('element');
map = map || {};
map.name = key;
map.method = map.method || function(value) {
el[key] = value;
map.value = map.value || el[key];
self._configs[key] = new YAHOO.util.Attribute(map, self);
* Fires when the Element's HTMLElement can be retrieved by Id.
* <p>See: <a href="#addListener">Element.addListener</a></p>
* <p><strong>Event fields:</strong><br>
* <code><String> type</code> available<br>
* <code><HTMLElement>
* target</code> the HTMLElement bound to this Element instance<br>
* <p><strong>Usage:</strong><br>
* <code>var handler = function(e) {var target = e.target};<br>
* myTabs.addListener('available', handler);</code></p>
* @event available
* Fires when the Element's HTMLElement subtree is rendered.
* <p>See: <a href="#addListener">Element.addListener</a></p>
* <p><strong>Event fields:</strong><br>
* <code><String> type</code> contentReady<br>
* <code><HTMLElement>
* target</code> the HTMLElement bound to this Element instance<br>
* <p><strong>Usage:</strong><br>
* <code>var handler = function(e) {var target = e.target};<br>
* myTabs.addListener('contentReady', handler);</code></p>
* @event contentReady
YAHOO.augment(YAHOO.util.Element, AttributeProvider);